UTC±24:00 eVolo 2021 Skyscraper Competition

A residensial building for remote works
Hong Kong, China
UTC±24:00 is a high-rise neighborhood proposal in response to a lifestyle to facilitate this emerging global-remote-working model. Despite the huge challenge that the coronavirus brought to our society and economy, the emerging remote working model does point us in a new direction of working globally in a post-pandemic era. With a system simulating different time zones, each skyscraper runs in a different schedule, which allows its residents to work in different time zones with a stable circadian rhythm while still living conveniently in their local community.
- General Concept
- Unit Design
- Modeling
- Rendering
Hong Kong, China
UTC±24:00 is a high-rise neighborhood proposal in response to a lifestyle to facilitate this emerging global-remote-working model. Despite the huge challenge that the coronavirus brought to our society and economy, the emerging remote working model does point us in a new direction of working globally in a post-pandemic era. With a system simulating different time zones, each skyscraper runs in a different schedule, which allows its residents to work in different time zones with a stable circadian rhythm while still living conveniently in their local community.
- General Concept
- Unit Design
- Modeling
- Rendering